Breaking Down Silos in Remote Teams with Luna Park

Breaking Down Silos in Remote Teams with Luna Park

Foster Connectivity and Build Organizational Pride Across Your Remote Workforce

As a remote team it can be easy to get siloed into specific work teams or groups and lose the feeling of connection to the broader organization. When you work with the people on your team daily but you don't see others in different departments, other than in company wide meetings, it makes creating connections hard. Luna Park can break down those barriers, create unexpected connections, and reinstill that sense of pride in your team.

Fostering Connectivity Through Experiences

Luna Park offers experiences that can help foster connectivity throughout your organization. Bring your team together in unexpected ways creating a sense of connection that might otherwise be lacking. To help build connections we offer our Slack tools that can help introduce new team members or help foster engagement by pairing team members up randomly through our Global Pairing Tournament.

Team Building Games

We have a wide array of games that can also help team building whether you choose to focus on letting managers run the games or by creating cross functional games that bring people together. Some of our favorites include: Tricks & Clicks, Name That Tune and The Best Half Hour. Our tip is to create a weekly social lunch where teams or individuals can come to gather and have some fun in under 30 minutes.

Creating Rituals for Connection

Creating rituals that people can expect, builds a sense of belonging and provides routine opportunities for people to connect beyond work tasks. Use our Water Cooler Convos Slack tool in your company's public channel to help spark conversation or healthy debate amongst coworkers. Encourage team leaders and managers to kick off their calls with our Ice Breakers to create rituals that can bring people together. Over time, these rituals help create a shared culture.

Challenge Your Team with Leaderboards

Challenge your team to get on the leaderboard! What makes Luna Park extra special is that we show company leaderboards*. On all of our games you can find our Global Leaderboard that will show cumulative points by company or by company and person(s) depending on the gameplay experience. When companies start to participate in our games and share the data from the experiences played, during monthly or quarterly company meetings, they notice a common trend: creating community. When reporting on these shared experiences, we find that folks get inspired to use Luna Park more and more within their work day.

*It's important to note that you'll never be exposed to individuals from other companies, you'll just see their company name on the leaderboard. We also never expose personally identifiable information about your team.

Building Organizational Pride

When you represent your company on any one of our various leaderboards on, it begins to build pride in the organization you work in. We also love to hear when teams share the data from our Ice Cream Shout Outs in their company wide meetings. When a leadership team takes the time to read the messages in any of the channels that use Ice Cream Shout Outs and praises those folks who have received and given ice creams to their coworkers it helps to foster a positive, encouraging environment. So often, we forget that praising people for a job well done in remote work goes a long way to boost overall morale.

Breaking Down Silos

Pairing people across your organization, driving together towards a common goal (what can spark more fun than beating a competitor on our Luna Park leaderboards), and creating shared rituals for teams and cross-department functions can help break down silos that will otherwise arise when teams don't communicate. With remote teams still on the rise, who are still yearning for connectivity, Luna Park's full library of games, escape rooms and slack programs help make it easier for you to get collaborative, share in the fun and overall foster the community many adults need during the digital age. Luna Park makes sparking connectivity easier than before. See what some of our users have to say about it:

"Not only was the platform incredible (as always!), but in addition, the games were creative/fun, and it was GREAT team building for our team members!"

- Alexis @ Terminal

"Without a doubt felt closer to my teammates, Leadership Team and cross functional peers."

- Logan @ Dropbox

"TRIVIA. LAUGHTER. REMOTE TEAM BONDING. Who doesn't love all three?!"

- Leah @ Helpscout
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